*Communication- I believe that communication is essential in a child’s learning experience. The best way to be in touch with me is through Microsoft Teams (Elizabeth Gabriel) or via e-mail, egabriel.
*Backpacks- Please send any paperwork back and forth in the home folder that I provide and be sure to check your child’s backpack daily.
*Absences- As a reminder, if your student is absent please send a written excuse note or email to the main office, as a phone call is not enough. The nurse will provide more information on when a student needs to stay home. We are all working very hard together to keep your student and family healthy!
*P.E.- Sneakers should be worn on letter days in which the student has physical education. The letter day is posted on the school website. I will be sending home our class’s letter day schedule for specials in the next few days.
*Water- Please make sure you send your student with AT LEAST one water bottle daily. There are no drinking fountains available, but bottle filling stations are available.
*Snack- Your child will have snack time daily, please send your student to school with a healthy snack daily.
**School Supplies- If possible, it would be extremely helpful if you could send your student in with the following supplies for the school year (all other supplies will be provided by me):
- 6 boxes of tissues
- 3 bottles of Clorox wipes
*Extra Clothing- Students should also be sent with one seasonally appropriate extra change of clothes to be kept at school! These clothes can be in a large ziplock with their name labeled on the bag.
*Birthdays- Please send me a TEAMS chat, email, or a note in the home folder to let me know if you want to provide a treat for your child to share on their birthday! This year will be full of excitement and learning! Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with any questions or concerns.
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